Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia

  • A+
category:Cabinet Exporter

Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia

Company Information

Company Name

Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia

Address: Jalan Nusantara Km.23 Kp. Budi Mulya Rt.003 Rw.004, Kelurahan Kijang Kota

Related Company/Companies

The Tranship Company


Pt. Sunwell Manufacturing Indonesia

Add: Jalan Nusantara Km.23 Kp. Budi Mulya Rt.003/rw.004, Kelurahan Kijang Kota, Kecamatan Bintan Timur Kabupaten Bintan Kab. Bintan

Pt. Sunwell Manufacturing

Indonesia Jalan Nusantara Km.23 Kp. Budi Mulya Rt.003/rw.004,kelurahan Kijang Kota, Kecamatan Bintan

Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia

Add: Jl. Nusantara Km.23, Kel. Kijang Kota, Kec. Bintan Timur, Kabupaten Bintan

Yimei Group International

Jl Nusantara Km 23 Kp Budi Mulya Rt/rw: , 003 / , 004, Kijang Kota, Bintan Timur, Kab. Bintan, Kepul

Company Logo ( If Any )





Other Information

Export Supplying Chain

Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia

Transactions Trends

Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia
transaction trend of Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia
Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia
transaction trend of Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia

Export Products

kitchen cabinet, wooden furniture

Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia

Origin Country

Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia
origin of Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia
Origin CountryExporterWeight (KG)Value ($)TransactionsPercentage
origin of Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia

Destination Country

Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia
export destination country of Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia
Destination CountryImporterWeight (KG)Value ($)TransactionsPercentage
export destination country of Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia

Import History

Import Via Separate Company

Morewood Cabinetry Co Ltd            1     5,525,629.57     9,740,476.82               15,397
Jiangsu Sunwell Cabinetry Co Ltd            1     5,240,079.00   13,936,094.52                8,902
Qingdao Yimei Wood Work Co Ltd            1     2,743,350.51     8,207,874.13                5,339
Shanghai Ai Wood Home Supplies Co Ltd            1     1,170,192.21     3,582,760.53                5,323
Wuxi Fss Intl Co Ltd            1     2,670,523.06     7,624,337.43                4,577
Shanghai Aiwood Home Supplies Co Ltd            1     1,392,144.97     3,721,209.68                3,208
Anhui Swanch Cabinetry Co Ltd            1        496,589.50     1,412,326.99                   975
Shanghai Beautystar Cabinetry Co Ltd            1        442,464.00        833,299.32                   654
Morewood Cabinetry Ltd            1        554,908.40        646,935.97                   651
Jiangsu Sunwell Cabinetry Co; Ltd            1        157,043.00        489,683.94                   402
Wuxi Fss Intl Cp Ltd            1          48,000.00        150,521.85                   134
Yangtze Co Ltd            1          93,001.00        235,675.39                     90
Qigdao Yimei Wood Work Co Ltd            1          42,037.00        122,318.96                     78
Jiangsu Sunwell Cabinetry Ltd            1          70,173.00        191,114.57                     74
Qingdao Xinguangzheng Steel Structure Co Ltd            1          75,540.00          90,111.30                       9
Qingdao Xinguangzheng Huayang Construction Engineering            1        433,941.00        432,455.30                       8
Shanghai Beaustystar Cabinetry Co Ltd            1          12,620.00          56,397.40                       8
Qingdao Huicheng Wood Industry Equipment Co Ltd            1          22,420.00        188,642.00                       4
Nanjing Jixi Import And Export Co Ltd            1          10,080.00          15,585.00                       1
Shanghai Power Oriental International Trade Co Ltd            1          10,874.00          79,468.00                       1
Singsong Shanghai Gift Enterprise Co Ltd            1            5,139.00          42,632.00                       1
import history-suppliers of Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia

Import Sum

ImporterExporterWeight (KG)Value ($)Transactions
Pt Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia2121,216,749.2251,799,921.1045,836
one sum of importing by Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia

After checking, all the above companies have been transshiping from China into Unites States of America.

Will check and submmit all details to the USA customs office .

Export Buyers

Company NameWeight (KG)Value ($)Transactions  
Cnc Associates Llc112,000.00304,659.007
Pf Sales Llc72,000.00183,115.004
Cabinet Distributors48,000.00151,745.003
Cabinet Wholesale Connection18,000.0049,768.001
exporting history of Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia

One of above USA importer , CNC has been investigated .


If interested, please check cnc details:


Most of the transshipping companies have transshiped their products via their own registered company outside of China.

So , this part export buyers number is not big .

Check separate company exporting history is huge ...

Such as :




Pictures & Videos

Obvious transshipment evidence

Import into Indonesia

Customs Inspection PPFTZ-01 PT. Mangrove Industrial Park Indonesia


Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia
Customs Inspection PPFTZ-01 (Import) wooden cabinet transshiper PT. Mangrove Industrial Park Indonesia
Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia
Customs Inspection PPFTZ-01 (Import) wooden cabinet transshiper PT. Mangrove Industrial Park Indonesia
Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia
Customs Inspection PPFTZ-01 (Import) wooden cabinet transshiper PT. Mangrove Industrial Park Indonesia
Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia
Customs Inspection PPFTZ-01 (Import) wooden cabinet transshiper PT. Mangrove Industrial Park Indonesia
Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia
Customs Inspection PPFTZ-01 (Import) wooden cabinet transshiper PT. Mangrove Industrial Park Indonesia


Customs Inspection PPFTZ-01 (Import) wooden cabinet transshiper PT. Mangrove Industrial Park Indonesia
Customs Inspection PPFTZ-01 (Export) PT. Aiwood Smart Home International & PT. Sunwell Manufacturing Indonesia


This company , Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia , is a trader in Indonesia , also exporter who has been transhipping wood cabinets from China with relative trader companies .

This company has combined many cabinet exporters in China who have been transshiping , helping these companies export outside China.

Their large-volume import history from China into Indonesia is shocking .

Clearly Evasion of tariffs, in violation of U.S. law.

Other Information

Exporters of kitchen cabinet & bathroom vanity


Are They Tranship Kitchen Cabinet To U.S. ?


Exporter Pt. Mangrove Industry Park Indonesia


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: